Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. What mountains were formed through continental collision
  2. 3. supercontinent by alfred wegner
  3. 4. Another word for deep valley
  4. 7. what happens when two continental plates pull apart
  5. 8. pieces of earth's crust move on top of the?
  6. 12. continents fit together because of their?
  7. 15. when plates slide past each other it's called what
  8. 16. The soft layer the mantle is, what?
  9. 18. The outermost shell of the earth
  10. 19. What boundary is most likely to have a volcano explode on it
  11. 20. what occurs when two plate tectonics rub
  1. 2. when a new crust is added, it's called what
  2. 5. How long ago was pangea
  3. 6. what is inside of the earth
  4. 9. which crust is the earth's thinnest
  5. 10. what is it called when plates move towards each other
  6. 11. who came up with pangea
  7. 13. what drives pate movement
  8. 14. where does the magma get it's heat from
  9. 17. the continental crust is thicker or thinner than the oceanic crust?