Plate tectonics

  1. 2. located in the upper mantle
  2. 5. plate _
  3. 7. _ american plate
  4. 8. located in the lower mantle
  5. 11. forms where two plates collide
  6. 12. plate _
  7. 14. Asia plate
  8. 16. Antarctica plate
  9. 18. the denser plate sinks below the other plate
  10. 19. _ american plate
  11. 20. _ to continental
  1. 1. forms where two plates slide past eachother
  2. 3. australia plate
  3. 4. the lithosphere is broken into pieces called _
  4. 6. forms where two plates seperate
  5. 9. Europe plate
  6. 10. _ to oceanic
  7. 13. earth's surface is made of rigid slabs of rock,or plates that move with respect to eachother
  8. 15. Africa plate
  9. 17. _ to oceanic