Plate tectonics

  1. 1. Small earthquake before earthquake
  2. 6. Earths middle layer
  3. 7. Type of fault where the motion is opposite of normal faults
  4. 8. Large sea wave
  5. 11. Earths first layer
  6. 13. Type of fault that occurs when hanging walls drop relative to the foot wall
  7. 15. Earths final layer
  8. 16. Shaking of Earth because of a rapid release of energy
  9. 17. Type of plate boundary where two plates are being pushed apart
  1. 2. Type of plate boundary where two plates are being pushed together
  2. 3. When sandy soil becomes saturated with water and can no long support buildings
  3. 4. Type of plate boundary where two plates are sliding past one another
  4. 5. Small earthquake after earthquake
  5. 9. Type of fault where rocks are pushed horizontally in opposite directions
  6. 10. Caused by loosened soil or lots of rain
  7. 12. A force that can deform or move rock
  8. 14. Volcanic mudflow of water and ash