Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. I am the thickest layer of the Earth.
  2. 5. I am the core that is a solid sphere made of
  3. 7. I am tiny tectonic plate fragments made of crustal material.
  4. 9. I am the coldest tectonic plate and continent.
  5. 11. I have two parts, the inner and outer parts.
  6. 12. I am the thinnest layer of the Earth.
  1. 1. The smallest continent sits on this plate.
  2. 3. China and Japan are located on my tectonic plate.
  3. 4. I am the tectonic plate over the biggest ocean.
  4. 6. There are seven in the world.
  5. 8. I am the core that is made of melted metal.
  6. 10. I am the largest continent in the world.