Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. Magma that erupts onto the earth's surface.
  2. 7. Molten rock stored beneath the earth's surface.
  3. 8. A boundary where two plates move toward each other.
  4. 9. rising mantel material at mid-ocean ridges push plates away from the ridge.
  5. 10. the size of an earthquake is determined by how much energy is released by an earthquake.
  6. 14. Vents in the earth's crust through which molten rock flows.
  7. 15. Lave that erupts underwater that hardens and flows into unique shapes.
  8. 18. made up of one or more faults.
  9. 19. features that cross the fault such as streams shifted both by plate movement and earthquakes.
  10. 20. the circulation within fluids caused by differences in density and thermal energy.
  1. 1. Formed similarly to the Himalayas.
  2. 2. long narrow mountains formed by magma at divergent boundaries.
  3. 3. when two plates slide past each other.
  4. 5. the vibrations caused by rupture in the sudden movement of rocks along a break or a crack in earths crust.
  5. 6. A boundary when two plates move away from each other.
  6. 11. largest and highest mountain range in the world that are still growing.
  7. 12. section of the earth combining the crust and upper mantle.
  8. 13. when two plates collide, one can sink the other when this happens, it pulls on the rest of the plate.
  9. 16. a crack or fracture in the earth's crust along which movement occurs.
  10. 17. The process that occurs when one tectonic plate moves under another tectonic plate.