Plate tectonics

  1. 3. what is another word for a fault?
  2. 4. a feature of divergent boundaries
  3. 7. plates below the ocean
  4. 10. which is the density of the plate that slides under the more dense plate?
  5. 11. plates below the continent
  6. 12. the lithosphere plates does what on top of the asthenosphere?
  7. 13. two plates that go away from each other (divide)
  8. 14. when one plate slides under the other
  9. 15. what is caused when an ocean plates collides with one another?
  10. 16. caused from a subduction zone
  11. 20. the outer shell of the earths crust that are divided into large slabs of rock
  1. 1. the plastic layer below the lithosphere
  2. 2. a feature of divergent boundaries
  3. 5. what is it called when two plates slide past one another?
  4. 6. what is it called when hot magma rises and when it cools it falls back down, then repeats.
  5. 8. two plates that collide or come together
  6. 9. what is caused in the transform boundary?
  7. 17. the rigid outer part of the crust and upper mantle
  8. 18. what is caused when two continental plates collide with each other?
  9. 19. what is it called when a sea floor is spreading?