Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. the layer of the earth made mostly of iron and contains small amounts of nickel
  2. 6. type of stress that occurs when an object is squeezed
  3. 10. tectonic plates fit together like pieces of this type of puzzle
  4. 11. theory that the Earth's lithosphere is divided in tectonic plates that move around
  5. 12. boundary between two plates moving horizontally past each other
  6. 14. pieces of the lithosphere that move around
  7. 17. made up of solid rock that flows very slowly
  8. 19. the rising of regions of the Earth's crust due to high elevations
  9. 20. process by which rock changes because of stress
  10. 22. boundary formed by two plates moving away from each other
  1. 1. stress when forces act to stretch an object
  2. 2. boundary formed by the collision of two plates
  3. 4. Greek for "all earth"
  4. 5. Spreading where the new ocean floor is formed by magam rising towards the surface and solidifies
  5. 6. the theory that suggests the continents at one point were all one big land mass
  6. 7. strong, lower part of the mantle
  7. 8. layer of the earth that conists of the crust and upper part of the mantle
  8. 9. the surface along where rocks break and slide past each other
  9. 13. Sinking of the Earth's crust in lower elevations
  10. 15. the outermost layer of the earth
  11. 16. the types of waves that are produced by an earthquake
  12. 18. the layer of the earth that contains most of the earth's mass
  13. 21. bending of rock layers due to stress