Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. boundary where two plates slide past one another horizontally
  2. 3. the thin outer shell of Earth that is broken into several blocks, made of the Earth's crust and Mantle
  3. 5. boundary that forms where two plates collide
  4. 6. when one plate moves under another
  5. 8. plate _________ is the theory that explains why and how continents move
  6. 11. boundary at which two plates move away from each other
  7. 12. study of the alignment of magnetic minerals in rock
  1. 2. layer of plastic rock just below the lithosphere
  2. 4. the name of the supercontinent that formed about 300 million years ago
  3. 7. continental _________ is the theory that explains why and how continents move
  4. 9. sea-floor ________ is the process by which new sea floor forms as magma rises through a rift
  5. 10. the movement of heated material throughout the Earth's mantle due to differences in density and temperature