Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. Sea-floor _______________ is the process by which new oceanic crust is created
  2. 5. a long, deep depression in the ocean floor where old oceanic crust sinks into the mantle
  3. 7. and ancient supercontinent formed about 300 million years ago
  4. 10. the type of rock that has been changed by temperature, pressure, or reactions with hot water
  5. 12. the type of rock that forms from magma or lava
  6. 13. the process where old oceanic plates sink into the mantle
  7. 14. small, solid pieces of material that come from rocks or living organisms
  8. 16. the boundary at which plates slide past each other
  1. 1. plate __________ is the theory that pieces of Earth's lithosphere move about slowly on top of the Asthenosphere
  2. 2. the boundary at which plates move away from each other
  3. 3. the boundary at which tectonic plates collide
  4. 6. magma that flows over earth's surface
  5. 8. the _____ cycle is the series of processes in which rock continuously change from one type to another
  6. 9. the type of rock the forms over time as sediment is squeezed and cemented together
  7. 11. The mid ocean ______ is a chain of underwater mountains
  8. 15. a mixture of molten rock and gases