Plate tectonics

  1. 4. these can be boundaries and can form underwater
  2. 6. top layer of earth
  3. 9. largest convention current in the
  4. 11. these boundaries cause oceans to grow
  5. 13. divergent boundary occurs
  6. 15. when plates collide it will be
  7. 16. oceanic crust melts it can form
  8. 17. ___ plates
  9. 19. these can grow as plates grow apart
  1. 1. mountain range was formed from collisions
  2. 2. when two plates hit each other
  3. 3. these boundaries can cause shallow
  4. 5. the lower mantle
  5. 7. when plates collide
  6. 8. lava that hasn’t touched the earth
  7. 10. depression of the sea floor caused by subduction
  8. 12. plate boundary and new crust is created
  9. 14. when two plates slide past each other
  10. 18. generates earths heat