Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. these were found in what is now African deserts to support the shifting of the plates
  2. 3. layer of the earth that causes the plates to move slowly
  3. 5. this boundary slides past each other at a fault to form earthquakes
  4. 7. the theory that is based on the continents being connected and then splitting
  5. 9. evidence of the plates being together based on their shape fitting together like this
  6. 10. the landform in the ocean where new rock forms that lead to seafloor spreading
  7. 11. the type of boundary that forms a trench & volcano by sinking below another plate after colliding
  1. 2. the crust that is less dense & does not sink to be recycled at a convergent subduction boundary
  2. 4. these were found of the same plants & animals on different continents showing the continents moved
  3. 6. forms when two continental plates separate at a divergent boundary
  4. 7. the type of boundary when two continental plates collide to form folded mountains
  5. 8. the type of boundary responsible for seafloor spreading