Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. when new magma fills the gap left by dividing plates on a landmass, that is called a...
  2. 7. The natural disaster that transform boundaries cause.
  3. 8. when one convergent plate is denser than the other, this forms:
  4. 9. Two tectonic plates moving away from each other in opposite directions.
  5. 10. Two tectonic plates converging and overlapping.
  1. 1. When two plates slide past each other.
  2. 3. When new magma fills the gap left by dividing plates on the ocean floor, it leaves a...
  3. 4. Molten rock.
  4. 5. Convergent, divergent, and transform are all...
  5. 6. When plates converge, old crust is...