Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. The type of plate boundary formed when plates slide past each other
  2. 4. Molten rock found on Earth's surface
  3. 6. This zone is created when two of the same types of plates hit each other
  4. 9. The fold mountain range found in North America
  5. 13. One of the plates found SW of the Caribbean Plate
  6. 17. The type of currents found in the mantle
  7. 18. This feature, found at a divergent boundary, runs almost the full length of the Atlantic Ocean
  8. 19. These features can be formed at both convergent and divergent plate boundaries
  9. 21. The innermost layer of Earth
  10. 22. The type of plate boundary formed when plates pull apart
  11. 24. Molten rock found underground
  1. 1. This describes a line of volcanic islands created at a convergent boundary
  2. 3. This Ring of Fire has many active volcanoes and earthquakes
  3. 5. The fold mountain range found in South America
  4. 7. The thinnest layer of Earth
  5. 8. The largest fold mountain range on the planet
  6. 10. The kind of zone created when an oceanic plate goes under a continental plate
  7. 11. This massive fault line is found at the transform boundary in California
  8. 12. This is created when the sea floor plunges down to really deep depths
  9. 14. The type of plate boundary formed when plates collide
  10. 15. The largest of the Earth's concentric layers
  11. 16. The name of the supercontinent that drift apart over millions of years
  12. 20. A really big crack
  13. 23. This is found in East Africa, created by plates pulling apart
  14. 25. The fold mountain range found in Europe