Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. The physical layer of the earth that is made of solid rock that slowly flows and that tectonic plates move on.
  2. 6. the outermost physical layer of the earth.
  3. 9. What is the mantle mostly made of?
  4. 12. The part of the Earth on which the tectonic plates move is the
  5. 14. What type of boundary is formed when plates separate?
  6. 15. What is the area where two tectonic plates meet called?
  7. 16. This process moves layers of rock by heating and cooling
  8. 17. The type of boundary that is formed when plates slide past each other?
  9. 19. Where does seafloor spreading take place?
  1. 1. the thin and solid outermost above the mantle.
  2. 2. What crustal features might you find at a transform boundary?
  3. 4. Who came up with the Continental Drift Theory?
  4. 5. the strong, lower part of the mantle is a physical layer called what?
  5. 7. by using...?
  6. 8. The type tectonic plate boundary that form from a collision between two tectonic plates is a.
  7. 10. What type of boundary occurs when one plate slides UNDER another?
  8. 11. Who came up with the idea of Sea-floor Spreading?
  9. 13. The compositional layer of the earth that comprises of 67% of the Earth's mass.
  10. 18. the deep interior of the earth can be
  11. 20. The liquid layer of the earth?