Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. discovered sea floor spreading
  2. 4. reveals rock of the same geological age
  3. 5. seafloor mountain created by divergent boundaries
  4. 7. created by convergent boundaries
  5. 8. tectonic plates that lie under surface kind mass
  6. 12. moving or dropping off of sediment
  7. 15. The plates collide
  8. 16. The plates slide
  9. 19. giant super-continent 200 million years ago
  10. 20. creates volcanoes and trenches
  1. 1. Cold rises and hot sinks
  2. 2. map of earth taken from space
  3. 6. tectonic plates that are at the bottom of the ocean
  4. 9. created continetial drift theory
  5. 10. removing or transportation of sediment
  6. 11. breaking down of sediment
  7. 13. The plates divide
  8. 14. theory that all continents were once connected
  9. 17. long crack in the surface
  10. 18. shows elevation