Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. more dense things
  2. 4. where 2 plates collide
  3. 5. the thinnest layer of the earth
  4. 8. layer of the earth below the mantle
  5. 10. where 2 plates slide
  6. 11. hottest layer of the earth
  7. 13. less dense things
  8. 14. where 2 plates separate
  1. 1. made up of crust and upper mantle
  2. 2. what happens in the mantle when magma heats up and cools down
  3. 6. what happens at a transform boundary
  4. 7. what is created at a convergent boundary
  5. 9. layer of the earth where convection currents take place
  6. 12. ______ and nickel make up the core of the earth