Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. another word for lava
  2. 5. ____core, made up of liquid rock
  3. 8. caused by plate movement, shakes earth
  4. 11. ____core, made up of solid, compressed rock
  5. 13. Plate ____
  6. 14. ring of ____
  7. 15. a word for going under, such as one plate going under another
  8. 16. the number of years ago the theory of plate tectonics formed
  9. 17. Most plates are made up of a continent and a(n)
  10. 18. caused by plate movement, spew lava
  11. 19. Alfred ____
  1. 1. in between asthenosphere and outer core
  2. 3. 19__, the year the theory of continental drift was conceived
  3. 4. outer layer of the earth
  4. 6. the way the continents seem to fit together
  5. 7. continental ____
  6. 9. Tectonic plates move over a layer of liquid
  7. 10. Supercontinent
  8. 12. similarities in this physical feature are found in the british isles and in north america
  9. 16. evidence of animals found in the ground