Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. When two continents' plates drift away from each other
  2. 5. Something to measure earthquakes with
  3. 6. A plate relationship that form trenches
  4. 8. A constant ____
  5. 10. When mantle rises up above the crust
  6. 12. Something happening over and over again
  7. 13. A tear in the Earth's plates
  8. 14. A wedge between two converging plates
  9. 16. When all continents were connected
  10. 17. A plate relationship that forms mid-ocean ridges
  11. 18. People who study the Earth
  12. 19. ________ plates
  1. 1. The crust and mantle
  2. 2. The substance beneath the Earth's crust
  3. 3. The outermost layer of the Earth.
  4. 4. The cycle that brings hot mantle up towards the crust.
  5. 7. Rift valleys where the crust has been stretched and _____ed
  6. 9. When Africa,Antarctica,India,and South America were connected
  7. 11. Happens at plate boundaries
  8. 15. What's between two plates.