Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. Result of Tectonic plates pushing together
  2. 6. Type of scientists that study the earth
  3. 8. Form along the edge of Tectonic plates
  4. 9. The Tectonic plate theory was developed
  5. 11. Mountain Building Process
  6. 12. The theory preceding the tectonic plate theory
  7. 18. What does the slipping of tectonic plates cause?
  8. 19. Plates of earth that move over the liquid layer
  9. 20. Region on earth with a lot of tectonic activity, located around the Pacific Ocean
  1. 1. South America and Africa are a ___________
  2. 3. What Tectonic Plate is Canada on?
  3. 4. Two plates moving towards each other
  4. 5. All the continents used to be a
  5. 7. The ______ also has tectonic plates
  6. 10. _______ found in the ground support the theory
  7. 13. Layer under the tectonic plates
  8. 14. Came up with the Theory of Continental Drift
  9. 15. What is the zone between two tectonic plates called?
  10. 16. Two plates moving away from each other
  11. 17. Name of the supercontinent