Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. Plate boundary type where plates are sliding past one another
  2. 7. Theory that states the continents once formed a single land mass that separated (2 words)
  3. 10. Pacific, North American, African, Eurasian, South American...
  4. 11. Scientist who first proposed that the continents were moving (2 words)
  5. 12. Plate boundary type where plates are moving toward each other
  6. 13. Outermost rigid layer of the Earth
  7. 14. Where two continental plates collide; like the Himalayas
  8. 15. Highly active zone of volcanoes and earthquakes around the Pacific plate
  9. 16. Plate boundary type where plates are moving away from each other
  1. 1. Zone where one plate goes under another when colliding
  2. 2. Process in the mantle that allows plates to move
  3. 4. Process where new oceanic lithosphere forms as magma rises to Earth's surface and forms the mid-ocean ridge (3 words)
  4. 5. Supercontinent that began to separate 250 mya
  5. 6. Where two continental plates separate; like in Africa
  6. 8. Process where supercontinents form and break apart over millions of years (2 words)
  7. 9. Where two plates separate, and form this under the ocean on the sea floor (3 words)