Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. Remains of extinct animals
  2. 5. A layer of mostly iron and nickel
  3. 7. An split between all 7 continents formed from magma swelling up through the weakness of the crust
  4. 9. A outer part of the Earth
  5. 10. An inside layer of a planetary body found below the core and above the crust
  6. 12. Layer of rock under the lithosphere
  7. 16. When two plates move away from eachother
  8. 17. A volcano in the middle of a plate
  9. 18. Area where many volcanoes and earthquakes occur
  10. 19. The outer layer of Earth
  11. 20. A fracture or zone of all fractures between 2 layers of rock
  1. 1. Person who discovered Pangea
  2. 3. An theory that scientists make of what will happen in the future
  3. 4. A type of convergent when one plate sinks under the other
  4. 6. When two plates collide
  5. 8. Plates that move around earth
  6. 11. When two plates slide past eachother
  7. 13. A violent shake that can cause many destruction
  8. 14. When two plates collide
  9. 15. All 7 continents grouped together