Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. Man's best friend
  2. 5. All boundaries experience these events
  3. 7. Alfred _____________ proposed that the continents had drifted
  4. 8. Formed when two continental plates meet
  5. 9. Deep ocean pockets that form when an oceanic plate collides with another plate
  6. 12. Plume of mantle, how Hawaii was created
  7. 14. The primary force that causes the seafloor to spread
  8. 15. The most outer solid portion of Earth
  1. 1. Type of boundary where new crust is created
  2. 2. layer that has convection currents
  3. 3. Ancient magnetism preserved in rock
  4. 4. Zones where the seafloor is forced under continental plates.
  5. 6. Type of boundary where crust is not created or destroyed
  6. 10. This landform is created when two continental plates diverge
  7. 11. Includes the crust and upper mantle
  8. 13. The name of the super continent