Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. solid material that is moved to a new location
  2. 2. A displacement of rock
  3. 7. Where one plate slides under another
  4. 8. Plates going towards each other
  5. 9. Process that turns any rock into magma
  6. 11. Breaking apart due to faulting
  7. 12. where two or more plates meet
  8. 13. Liquified rock that is underground
  9. 14. naturally occurring elements or compounds
  10. 16. Earths outerlayer divided into plates
  11. 17. The thick part of the Earth's crust that forms large landmasses
  1. 1. The formation of new oceanic crust
  2. 3. Plates rubbing against each other
  3. 4. Plates moving away from each other
  4. 5. movement of continents spreading apart from each other
  5. 6. a giant supercontinent
  6. 7. A zone formed by the boundary between two tectonic plates
  7. 8. hardens magma and turns it into igneous rock
  8. 10. Molten rock that breaks through Earth's surface
  9. 15. The rigid outer part of the Earth