Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. plates crashed together forming -------
  2. 6. if simaler fosile are seen all around the world that means that the world may have been --------
  3. 7. plates that are under the ocean
  4. 10. was a theory in 1912
  5. 11. how many major plates are there
  6. 12. ice sheets,mountains,fosils and contanets fitting together is -------- that the theory of continental drift may be true
  7. 13. plates crashed together
  8. 14. what plate is the ring of fire mainly located
  9. 17. was a theory 50 years ago
  10. 20. what is the first layer of the earth called
  1. 1. plates that are under the continents
  2. 2. which ocean is the fire located
  3. 4. where is 90% of the world earthquakes
  4. 5. a plates slides under anouther plate
  5. 8. what is the center of the earth called
  6. 9. move on the liquid layer
  7. 15. south America and Africa --- together
  8. 16. where does earthquakes happen on plates
  9. 18. how minor plates are there
  10. 19. mega continent