Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. When plates of the earth collide
  2. 2. The ocean plate goes under the continental plate
  3. 3. example of divergent in the ocean
  4. 7. middle layer of the earth
  5. 9. the outermost layer of the earth
  6. 10. the landform that is created when the plates of the Earth collide without magma inside
  7. 11. the second outermost layer of the earth
  8. 15. Wegner's hypothesis
  9. 16. the core of the earth
  10. 17. When two tectonic plates slide against each other
  11. 18. what causes an earthquake
  12. 19. what clues scientists scientist to believe in Pangaea
  1. 1. movement of the earth's plates
  2. 4. When plates of the earth divide
  3. 5. large slabs of rock that divide the Earth's surface
  4. 6. example of convergent subduction with two oceanic plates
  5. 8. caused by divergent plate boundary
  6. 12. example of convergent subduction
  7. 13. the second deepest layer of the earth
  8. 14. the landform that is created when the plate tectonics collide with magma inside