Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. what plates are made of
  2. 9. where plates slide past each other
  3. 10. the layer of earth we live on
  4. 11. the amount of layers Earth is made up of
  5. 12. areas where no body waves are detected
  6. 13. slower waves that travel through solids only
  7. 15. how many types of surface waves
  8. 16. caused by a sudden release of energy when rocks move along a fault.
  9. 17. a long high sea wave caused by an earthquake
  10. 18. the theory that proposes that Earths outer shell consist of individual plates that interact in various ways
  1. 1. small earthquakes that precede a large earthquake
  2. 2. areas of low earthquake activity
  3. 4. fastest waves that travel through liquids or gases
  4. 5. spot on surface above the focus
  5. 6. slowest moving waves
  6. 7. location of first motion in Earth
  7. 8. the lateral movement of continents resulting from the motion of crustal plates
  8. 11. refers to the deformation of the crust as a consequence of plate interaction
  9. 12. measures ground motion and can be used to determine determine the distance seismic waves travel
  10. 14. the strength of an earthquake