Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. an earthquake that measures 300 km or more.
  2. 4. a wave that travels through the earth
  3. 5. earthquake closest to the surface
  4. 6. produces a print out
  5. 9. also known as Secondary wave
  6. 12. the strength of an earthquake
  7. 13. a plate that moves side to side, up and down, underneath each other
  8. 17. spot on surface abouve the focus
  9. 19. a scale that measures more accurately
  10. 20. the secondary wave travels through ___ only.
  11. 21. a wave travels through liquids
  1. 1. location of the 1st motion in Earth
  2. 3. also known as primary wave
  3. 7. when the earth moves
  4. 8. ____ zones-areaws where no body waves are detected.
  5. 9. a wave that travels below ground
  6. 10. rebound though to cause rocks to move
  7. 11. 70-300 km
  8. 14. amount of damage
  9. 15. record vibrations in the ground
  10. 16. a wave travels up and down, side to side
  11. 18. oldest measurement scale