Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. comprised the northern continents
  2. 5. The circular motion of material caused by variations in temperature and density, responsible for the movement of tectonic plates in the Earth's mantle.
  3. 8. The boundary where two tectonic plates move away from each other, creating space that can be filled with new crust, often accompanied by mid-ocean ridges and rift valleys.
  4. 11. A semi-fluid layer beneath the lithosphere in the upper mantle where convection currents occur, allowing for the movement of tectonic plates.
  5. 12. A specific type of convergent boundary where one tectonic plate is forced beneath another, usually resulting in the formation of deep ocean trenches and volcanic arcs.
  6. 14. The name given to the vast ocean surrounding Pangaea during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras.
  7. 15. The boundary where two tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally, causing earthquakes along fault lines.
  8. 16. Large, rigid sections of the Earth's lithosphere that float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere and interact at plate boundaries.
  1. 1. The rigid outermost layer of the Earth, including the crust and the upper part of the mantle.
  2. 2. A modern theory that explains the movement of the Earth's lithospheric plates and their interactions at plate boundaries, which includes the concept of continental drift.
  3. 4. Proposed by Alfred Wegener, this theory suggests that continents were once connected in a supercontinent called Pangaea and have since drifted apart.
  4. 6. The boundary where two tectonic plates move toward each other, often leading to subduction or the collision of crustal material.
  5. 7. The supercontinent that existed approximately 335-175 million years ago, believed to be the result of the aggregation of all the Earth's continents.
  6. 9. A German meteorologist and geophysicist who proposed the theory of continental drift in the early 20th century, suggesting that continents were once joined in a supercontinent called Pangaea. His work laid the foundation for modern plate tectonics theory.
  7. 10. included the southern continents.
  8. 13. The process by which new oceanic crust is formed at mid-ocean ridges, pushing older crust away from the ridge, providing evidence for plate tectonics.