Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. a process where one piece of rock goes under at a convergent boundary
  2. 5. giant pieces of rock that make Earth's crust
  3. 6. when magma reaches the surface of Earth
  4. 8. the transfer of energy when two materials touch
  5. 14. an unexpected, violent, shaking of the ground
  6. 15. supercontinent that was on earth 200-300 million years ago
  7. 16. a force that acts of rock to change its shape or volume
  8. 17. any trace of an organism that is preserved in rock
  9. 18. the transfer of energy in rays of light
  10. 20. type of stress that squeezes rock
  1. 1. a mountain that is formed when magma reaches the surface
  2. 3. a boundary where plates move together
  3. 4. type of stress that pushes a rock in two opposite directions.
  4. 7. a boundary where plates move apart
  5. 9. the edges of Earth's plates
  6. 10. the transfer of energy by the movement of fluids
  7. 11. a boundary where plates slip past each other
  8. 12. an instrument that measures earthquakes
  9. 13. type of stress that pulls on the rock
  10. 19. a measure of how much mass is in a given substance