Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. A person who studies geologic materials and features of Earth
  2. 8. the layer of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks that forms land features and
  3. 10. The woman who helped confirm the hypothesis of Continental Drift
  4. 11. A mountain range formed by seams that are underwater and rises up from the ocean floor
  5. 16. The process in which old crust sinks back into the mantle
  6. 17. The transfer of heat from direct contact
  7. 18. When two plates move apart from each other
  8. 19. The device used to measure an objects distance
  9. 20. The cracks in the lithosphere that separate pieces of the outer shell
  1. 1. The process that creates new ocean crust
  2. 2. When two plates come together and collide
  3. 3. A crack in the Earth's crust usually where earthquakes occur
  4. 5. When two plates slip past each other in opposite directions
  5. 6. A person who studies Earth's seismic waves in geologic materials
  6. 7. Crust beneath the ocean floor made up of different types of basalts
  7. 9. The transfer of heat that is carried in rays similar to light
  8. 12. A deep underwater canyon where subduction usually occurs
  9. 13. A shaking disruption in the Earth's crust caused by a sudden release of energy in the lithosphere which creates seismic waves
  10. 14. A record of an earthquake created by a seismograph after the earthquake occurs
  11. 15. Where pieces of Earth's crust are coming apart on land