Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. A sudden or violent shaking of the ground
  2. 7. Plates that slide past eachother sideways
  3. 10. an opening in Eath's crust that spits out lava
  4. 13. Gigantic pieces of the Earth's crust and uppermost mantle
  5. 15. The movement of continents from the motion of tectonic plates
  6. 17. A super continent that joined all the continents together at one point in time
  7. 18. The movement of a lquid where the hotter material rises and the cooler material sinks
  8. 19. A string of Islands created by volcanoes
  9. 20. A long valley formed by the sinking of the Earth's crust
  1. 1. Plates that pull away from eachother
  2. 3. The measurement of the amount of mass in a substance
  3. 4. The transfer of heat by touching between materials
  4. 5. A hot fluid that is from the mantle
  5. 6. Magma at the surface of Earth
  6. 8. The transfer of energy through waves and particles
  7. 9. An area where deep material in the Earth rises and melts into magma
  8. 11. The remains of an acient organism that is preserved into a rock
  9. 12. A break in Earth's crust
  10. 14. Plates that push towards eachother
  11. 16. Two tectonic plates meet at convergent boundaries, and one of the plates moves under the other