Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. Weaker, upper portion of the Earth's mantle.
  2. 6. The dense, innermost layer of the Earth.
  3. 7. Can occur with lava from volcanoes.
  4. 8. Combination of Earth's outermost layer and the upper mantle; is divided into tectonic plates.
  5. 9. Can include bones, footprints, leaf prints, or being cast in a substance.
  6. 13. Large section of hard, solid rock that make up earth's outermost layer.
  7. 14. Hot liquid rock that is on Earth's surface.
  8. 15. Underwater mountain range made by divergent plate boundaries.
  9. 17. Northern continental mass formed when Pangaea broke apart approximately 180 million years ago.
  10. 18. Any of Earth's main continuous areas of land, such as Africa.
  11. 19. The thin, outermost layer of the Earth, types include oceanic and continental.
  12. 20. Two plates sliding past each other.
  1. 1. The large, single continental landmass that formed approximately 245 million years ago.
  2. 2. Two plates moving away from each other.
  3. 3. Process of one plate moving under another plate.
  4. 5. A deep indentation in the ground that is made by convergent plate boundaries.
  5. 6. Early idea that continents float on the mantle and moved relative to one another over geologic time.
  6. 7. Commonly caused by transform plate boundaries.
  7. 10. Hot liquid rock that is below Earth's surface.
  8. 11. Southern continental mass formed when Pangaea broke apart approximately 180 million years ago.
  9. 12. Mountains, channels, and sand dunes are an example of a _______.
  10. 15. A layer of soft, solid rock under Earth's plates, serves as the middle layer of the Earth.
  11. 16. Two plates moving towards each other.