Plate tectonics

  1. 3. someone who studies seismic waves
  2. 6. An area in earths crust where magma is able to form and seep through
  3. 9. a cycle of heat in which the hotter something is, the more it rises, and the colder something is, the more it sinks
  4. 10. A large well known belt of bubbles
  5. 13. Scientist that discovered Pangea's existence and presented the idea of continental drift
  6. 15. The theory about all motion of plates
  7. 17. Long mountain range that forms underwater
  8. 19. the super continent that existed more than 200 million years
  9. 20. The solid parts of the Earth lithosphere that are broken into pieces
  1. 1. An ancient specimen secured in rock
  2. 2. An area where the ocean floor sinks into the mantle, forming a dipped area
  3. 4. The process when Oceanic crust gets sucked underground into the mantle
  4. 5. The idea of the continents slowly gliding over Earth
  5. 7. a boundary in which two plates come together
  6. 8. a boundary in which two plates scrape against each other in opposite direction
  7. 11. Breaks in the Earths crust
  8. 12. An area where Earth's crust diverges above water
  9. 14. a boundary where two plates split away from each other
  10. 16. heated material melted to a liquid state underground
  11. 18. Magma after it gets to the surface