Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. this boundary occurs where plates slide past each other horizontally
  2. 4. produced during an earthquake, and they can be measured using seismographs
  3. 7. Andes, the Alps, and the Rocky Mountains.
  4. 8. is a liquid part of the core
  5. 10. this boundary occurs where plates collide
  6. 12. when all the continents were connected creating a supercontinent
  7. 13. this boundary occurs where plates move apart, creating new crust
  8. 14. semi-solid layer beneath the crust
  1. 1. is the outermost layer
  2. 2. form through the eruption of magma from the Earth's interior
  3. 5. caused by the release of built-up stress along faults in the Earth's crust
  4. 6. is the inner solid part of the core
  5. 9. Plate tectonics is the scientific theory that describes the movement and interactions of Earth's lithospheric plates.
  6. 11. Alfred Wegener proposed the theory of continental drift, while Harry Hess contributed the concept of seafloor spreading