Plate Tectonics

  1. 6. the broken sections of the Earth's crust
  2. 7. the theory that all the continents were once connected as Pangaea
  3. 8. the place where one tectonic plate comes into contact with another
  4. 9. the process when one oceanic plate slides underneath a continental plate
  5. 10. the German scientist who proposed the theory of Continental Drift
  6. 11. this type of boundary is when two plates slide past one another
  1. 1. the supercontinent that included all of the current land masses
  2. 2. this type of boundary is when two plates separate
  3. 3. this process forms new oceanic crust
  4. 4. these drive the movement of the tectonic plates
  5. 5. this type of boundary is when two plates collide