Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. the part of the earth where tectonic plates are found
  2. 5. line, when two plates come together and earthquakes often happen in this area
  3. 6. _______ plate with land primarily covering it
  4. 9. magma moves into space created by separating of tectonic plates
  5. 10. when plates move apart and make space for new crust to form
  6. 11. an oceanic plate is forced under another
  1. 2. oceanic and continental plates come together in the ocean and form a
  2. 3. the continental plate movement that creates folded mountains
  3. 4. natural disaster that happens at a tranform plate boundary
  4. 6. when plates move together and create new landforms
  5. 7. when plates move past one another
  6. 8. _______ plate with a large body of water on it
  7. 12. the higher ______ oceanic crust will always be subducted