Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. the denser weaker layer beneath the lithospheric mantle
  2. 5. The thickest layer of all three layers that is responsible for convection currents
  3. 7. Pangaea had broken apart into are country this breakage is called
  4. 10. A part of the earths center that is liquid
  5. 11. When two plates move away from each other
  6. 13. The center of the earth
  7. 16. When two plates move side by side
  8. 18. The last mechanical layer that is made of Iron and Nikel
  9. 19. The small layer that makes up the crust and upper mantle
  1. 1. Occurs as tectonic plates are pushed together and the crust becomes shorter and thicker
  2. 2. Lines crated my plate moments
  3. 3. When two plates come together
  4. 6. A massive, irregularly shaped slab of solid rock, generally composed of both continental and oceanic lithosphere
  5. 8. The earths crust is split into ____
  6. 9. Discovered by Harry Hess
  7. 12. When a oceanic plate moves under a continental plate
  8. 14. This is the stiffer part of the mantle under the asthenosphere
  9. 15. A thin top most area of the earth surface that is divided into plates
  10. 17. The rigid outer layer of the Earth that remains mechanically strong over geological time spans