Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. The strong lower part of the mantle.
  2. 5. The thin layer/surface of our planet that we live on.
  3. 6. The very hot and dense center of our planet made of iron and nickel.
  4. 8. The inner most layer of the earth made up of solid iron and nickel.
  5. 13. Properties that involve a reaction to an applied load.srength,ductiily,impact resistance,and toughness.
  6. 15. The only liquid layer of the planet that was discovered by seismic activity.
  7. 17. The nature of something's ingredients or constituents.
  8. 18. The plastic like layer of the mantle.
  9. 19. When 2 tectonic plates go the opposite direction of each other.
  1. 1. A theory proposed by Alfred Wegner that pieces of the earths crust moves.
  2. 2. Broken up parts of the Lithosphere.
  3. 4. The process where new oceanic lithosphere forms as magma rises towards the earths surface and solidifies.
  4. 6. Tectonic plates that move which Alfred Wegener suggested and how that was Pangea was seperated.
  5. 7. Stress that occurs when the forces act to squeeze an object.
  6. 9. The sinking of regions of the Earth's crust to lower elevations.
  7. 10. The middle layer of the earth which is the largest and makes up 66 percent of the earth.
  8. 11. A large crack in the earth's surface.
  9. 12. When 2 plates slide past each other.
  10. 14. When 2 tectonic plates push together.
  11. 16. The layer that is composed of the crust and the upper mantle.