Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. Below the asthenospere
  2. 2. Is a force that squeezes something together
  3. 4. There are 7 major and 8 minor of these
  4. 8. Two plates come together
  5. 9. What we live on
  6. 11. Is the crust and upper part of the mantle
  7. 13. When two plates move away from each other
  8. 15. The San Andreas _____ is one of the most famous examples of this
  9. 16. _____ model of the earth
  10. 18. The ______ ______ of the asthenosphere is like plastic
  11. 19. Alfred Wegener is called the father of _____ ______
  1. 1. The asthenosphere makes up part of this
  2. 3. Denser, weaker layer beneath the mantle
  3. 5. _____ is solid because of pressure
  4. 6. The San Andreas fault was created by this
  5. 7. _____ is liquid
  6. 10. The Ring of Fire was made near ______ _____
  7. 12. Harry Hess came up with this concept
  8. 14. Alfred Wegener was the first to think of this
  9. 17. The center of our planet