Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. When one plate is forced under another
  2. 3. This type of crust is more dense and will subduct in a collision
  3. 6. These waves are the fastest and can move through liquid and solid
  4. 8. The boundary where two plates collide
  5. 9. This is the tool used to measure the intensity of earthquakes
  6. 12. Fossil and age evidence helped proved this theory
  7. 14. The plates are gliding over the mantle
  8. 16. The origin of the earthquake
  9. 17. The crust and upper mantle comprises this
  10. 18. These waves are slower
  1. 2. When two continental plates collide and the crust crumples upward
  2. 4. This plastic like layer is the upper portion of the mantle
  3. 5. Rift Valleys and ocean ridges are found at this boundary
  4. 7. Harry Hess used this feature to hypothesize seafloor spreading
  5. 10. This scale measures the amount of energy released in an earthquake
  6. 11. When two plates slide past each other you get these
  7. 13. When two continental plates converge these are formed
  8. 15. This type of volcano has sloped sides and basaltic magma