Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. plates move apart, or diverge
  2. 4. sinking movement of ocean floor back into the mantle
  3. 5. a molten mixture of rock-forming substances, gases, and water from the mantle
  4. 8. made of alternating layers of lava flows and ash flows
  5. 9. a force that changes the shape or volume of rocks
  6. 10. zipper line chains of undersea mountains
  7. 14. molten rock flows up through the crack in earths crust and hardens into solid strips of new rock on both sides of the crack
  8. 17. an area where lava frequently erupts at the surface, independent of plate boundary
  9. 19. single number that geologists use to assign to an earthquake based on earthquake's size
  10. 20. dead
  11. 22. wave or series of waves produced by an earthquake or landslide
  12. 23. stress that pushes masses of rock in opposite directions in a sideways movement
  1. 1. plates slip past each other
  2. 2. a structure that forms in Earth's crust
  3. 3. sleeping
  4. 6. an idea that can be tested by experimentation or investigation
  5. 7. plates come together
  6. 11. undersea valleys that are the deepest parts of the ocean
  7. 12. shaking and trembling that results from plate movement
  8. 13. stress that squeezes rock until it folds or breaks
  9. 15. ideas that are supported by a vast, diverse array of evidence
  10. 16. a break in Earth's crust along which rocks move
  11. 18. once magma reaches the surface
  12. 21. stress that stretches rocks is that it becomes thinner in the middle