Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. Hot fluid rock within the earth's crust.
  2. 6. Vent on the surface of the earth that releases magma.
  3. 8. The type of wave that forms from earthquakes.
  4. 11. Middle of a tectonic plate.
  5. 13. When one plate goes under another.
  6. 14. Type of boundary where plates come together.
  7. 15. Study of seismic waves.
  8. 16. Unexpected ground movement, caused by the release of energy in rocks
  1. 1. The slower wave, can only travel through solids.
  2. 2. The faster wave, can travel through all matter.
  3. 3. A disturbance in a medium that carries energy.
  4. 5. Massive slabs of rock in the lithosphere that move with tectonics.
  5. 7. A narrow crack in the earth.
  6. 9. Long, narrow ditches formed in the ocean floor.
  7. 10. Type of boundary where plates move apart.
  8. 12. Type of boundary where plates slide past each other.