Plate tectonics

  1. 3. -deaths of 93 in 1931 earthquake
  2. 6. -Hottest layer of the Earth
  3. 9. -is the solid outer part of earth
  4. 11. -the least affected city
  5. 12. -Made out of iron and Nickel
  1. 1. -Made out of solid rocks and minerals
  2. 2. -is a supercontinent
  3. 4. -The first person that made a theory about the tectonic theory
  4. 5. -an opening through in the earth's crust where lava erupts
  5. 7. - had the most deaths in 1931 New Zealand earthquake
  6. 8. -is caused by the movements of the earth crust and outer layer
  7. 10. -Thickest layer of the earth
  8. 13. -The maori god of Earthquakes and volcanoes