Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. Scientist that proposed the continental drift theory.
  2. 5. Occurred when rocks that formed millions of years ago show the location of the magnetic poles at the time of their formation.
  3. 12. Weaker region in the mantle over which Earth's outer shell lies.
  4. 13. Surface feature created by a descending plate.
  5. 14. Earth's largest plate according to the plate tectonic theory.
  6. 16. Land consisting of an arc-shaped island chain.
  7. 17. The name of the super continent imagined by Wegener based on his theory.
  8. 18. The theory that continents changed position on Earth's surface.
  9. 19. A destructive plate margin that occurs when an oceanic plate is forced down into the mantle beneath a second plate.
  10. 20. Boundary that occurs when two plates move towards each other.
  1. 1. Elevated areas of the seafloor that occur ALONG well-developed divergent plate boundaries.
  2. 3. Deep faulted structure found along a divergent boundary
  3. 4. No earthquake has ever been recorded below ______ km.
  4. 6. Boundary that occurs when two plates grind past each other.
  5. 7. The theory that Earth is divided into several different plates that move through mantle convection.
  6. 8. Thought to be the primary downward arm of convective flow in the mantle.
  7. 9. Boundary that occurs when two plates move away from each other.
  8. 10. Rigid layer of the uppermost mantle and crust.
  9. 11. Process that explains how plate tectonics produces new oceanic lithosphere.
  10. 15. A volcanic area of rising mantle material. It's located below the island of Hawaii.