Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. The only planet that we know of with plate tectonics.
  2. 4. The crust and the top parts of the mantle form this part of the tectonics.
  3. 8. Parts of New England and Canada used to be part of _____________.
  4. 9. Earth's land and oceans are constantly ______________.
  5. 10. This ocean is still opening.
  1. 1. South America broke away from Africa when ___________ rock changed the direction of plate movement.
  2. 3. The early Earth was much _______________ than it is today.
  3. 5. The Earth is made up of many _______________.
  4. 6. The scientist who determined that earth's landmasses fit together like a jigsaw puzzle.
  5. 7. No ocean is more than two hundred ______________ years old.