Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. Measures earthquakes.
  2. 4. A scale measures intensity of earthquakes.
  3. 6. Vent in the Earth's surface through which magma and gases erupt.
  4. 7. Earth's crust that makes up continents.
  5. 10. Sudden violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction.
  6. 12. One plate is being pulled under the edge of another.
  7. 14. ________plates collide.
  8. 15. Scientist that developed the Continental Drift Theory.
  9. 17. Steep-sided depression in the ocean floor.
  10. 18. All the continents where one.
  11. 19. Transform boundaries tectonic plates are not moving directly toward.
  1. 1. Rigid outer part of the earth.
  2. 2. best studied strike-slip fault
  3. 5. Convergent boundaries tectonic plates.
  4. 6. Arc-shaped chain of volcanoes formed above a subduction zone.
  5. 8. How many major plates.
  6. 9. What plate boundary causes earthquakes.
  7. 11. Liquid layer of the Earth.
  8. 13. Place where two plates meet.
  9. 16. Divergent boundaries tectonic plates are moving -------- from each other.