Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. We live here
  2. 5. All igneous rocks are formed by this
  3. 6. We are on it (literally)
  4. 7. Caused by Volcanoes
  5. 10. High rocky tops
  6. 12. He discovered pangea
  7. 13. They discover new things
  8. 15. Sideways and Downward movement
  9. 17. Located in Africa
  10. 18. Mountains are made out of this
  1. 1. When you go closer to the bottom of a pool this builds up
  2. 2. Hot lava comes out of this
  3. 4. There are 7
  4. 6. Where we are
  5. 8. You eat off this
  6. 9. A popular tectonic boundary
  7. 10. One of earths layers
  8. 11. We are surrounded by this
  9. 14. Grassy High Tops
  10. 16. We drink this