Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. Type of plate boundary that destroys things
  2. 9. This boundary can form a rift valley
  3. 11. The pieces of earth’s lithosphere
  4. 12. The part of the crust made of granite
  5. 15. What happens at a transform boundary
  6. 16. The idea that continents slowly move over the Earth’s surface
  7. 19. One of the items in the earth that helped prove that Pangea existed
  8. 20. The adding and widening of Earth’s oceans
  1. 2. The process of one plate sinking underneath another
  2. 3. What Ocean floor sinks into back to the mantle
  3. 4. The part of the ocean floor that lava comes out of
  4. 5. The part of the crust made of basalt
  5. 6. What oceanic and continental plates create on a convergent boundary
  6. 7. What two continental plates create on a convergent boundary
  7. 8. Cracks in Earth’s crust after plates rub against each other
  8. 10. A theory about seafloor spreading, Earth’s plates and the plates motion
  9. 13. When subduction takes place it happens at a __________ boundary
  10. 14. Part of the pattern created on the ocean floor
  11. 17. A deep valley formed by plates moving away from each other
  12. 18. The one continent that existed millions of years ago