Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. magma once it has erupted
  2. 5. A risk
  3. 8. Shaking of the Earth
  4. 9. Large movable segments
  5. 11. lies between the crust and the outer core
  6. 12. Drift Pieces of the land mass
  7. 14. bent by stress
  8. 15. The opening at the Earth's surface
  9. 16. The thin outer layer
  10. 17. containing a volcanic vent
  1. 1. Molten rock containing liquids, crystals, and dissolved gases
  2. 3. area of fracturing
  3. 4. The innermost layers
  4. 6. follows a larger earthquake
  5. 7. where an oceanic and continental plate move towards each other
  6. 10. A vent (opening) in the surface of the Earth
  7. 13. directly above the hypocenter