Plate Tectonics

  1. 5. first continent
  2. 6. boundary at ocean ridges
  3. 8. plates do not collide or move away at these boundaries
  4. 9. this element helps make up the inner core
  5. 11. magma erupting through the seafloor
  6. 13. rigid upper part of the outermost layer
  7. 15. this plate lies west of the Caribbean Sea
  8. 16. denser crust sinking
  9. 17. third most abundant element in the crust
  10. 18. the crust is broken up into many
  1. 1. these mountains form where the Indian and Eurasian plates meet
  2. 2. can be found at plate boundaries
  3. 3. crust made of sima
  4. 4. thickest layer
  5. 7. these happen along faults
  6. 10. this crust is thicker but lighter
  7. 12. deepest part of the ocean floor
  8. 14. there are seven of these on our planet